Friday, November 11, 2011

The Evelution Of The Worlds "Beauty"

Hello everyone!!! (sorry for my little vacation! I kinda got a little distracted with life;)

This is definitely something to think about and realize ladies!!

I think sometimes we all can get sucked in to the devils lies that tell us we are ugly on the outside and so we start primping more on the outside, and we lose sight that it's what's on the inside that counts. I know that in this day and age looking beautiful on the inside is not something that's taken seriously and people are more worried about their physical appearance.

I always kinda figured the magazine pix were air brushed but not THIS much!!  I thought it would be cool to share!  Hope you enjoy!  Its worth the watch!!

Even after putting about 5 pounds of makeup on, they photo shopped her and made her neck slimmer and taller, made her eyes brighter and bigger, made her lips more plump, made her nose smaller and her hair bigger! Its disgusting!!

I love what it says at the end 'No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted.' It's to true. Hardly anyone can look that great without doing something to themselves to make them look better. She was a totally different women when they were done with her! I wouldn't even call her the same person.  She wasn't HER anymore, she was some kinda photo portrait that SOMEONE created!!

We are all so focused on being beautiful on the outside that we totally forget and we don't see how ugly we are on the inside. I must admit, I get caught up in the worlds lies of being only beautiful on the outside... it's really easy to do.

I'm a teenager, and I know how hard it is to do that - to stay true and be beautiful on the inside when the world is telling you to do drugs and alcohol and to be fake. How 1 Samuel 16:7 puts it - man looks on the outside. We judge people by how they look. Our natural instinct is to think that people who look not "normal" and how everyone else looks, we automatically avoid them and think they're weird. But God doesn't see what we look like on the outside. He doesn't dislike people who look weird. (As a matter of fact, He doesn't dislike anybody he loves us all!.) But He looks on the inside. That's why we need to be beautiful on the inside. If that's the part God (who is King of kings, creator and maker of everything) sees in us, then we want that to be the best part of us, right? After all, He is the one who is going to judge us on judgment day. If we choose Him and decide to be beautiful on the inside,we will be a lot happier and that will shine through which will make us ultimately more beautiful!

1 Samuel 16:7.

"But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

As always! -STARZ*

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